Sunday, July 27, 2008

watch teeve, sleep and eat ); sad sadddd life~
But I watching my favourtie show so no problemmm ^^ hhahahh! I'm mad.

&imisshim, :/

Later going out had dinner with papa & meimei again(;
ahhaa and then took some photos ^^

长恨歌 白居易

汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得。 杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识。 天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。 侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。 云鬓花颜金步摇,芙蓉帐暖度春宵。 春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。 承欢侍宴无闲暇,春从春游夜专夜。 后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。 金屋妆成娇侍夜,玉楼宴罢醉和春。 姊妹弟兄皆列土,可怜光彩生门户。 遂令天下父母心,不重生男重生女。 骊宫高处入青云,仙乐风飘处处闻。 缓歌谩舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。 渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲。 九重城阙烟尘生,千乘万骑西南行。 翠华摇摇行复止,西出都门百余里。 六军不发无奈何,宛转蛾眉马前死。 花钿委地无人收,翠翘金雀玉搔头。 君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流。 黄埃散漫风萧索,云栈萦纡登剑阁。 峨嵋山下少人行,旌旗无光日色薄。 蜀江水碧蜀山青,圣主朝朝暮暮情。 行宫见月伤心色,夜雨闻铃肠断声。 天旋地转回龙驭,到此踌躇不能去。 马嵬坡下泥土中,不见玉颜空死处。 君臣相顾尽沾衣,东望都门信马归。 归来池苑皆依旧,太液芙蓉未央柳。 芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂。 春风桃李花开日,秋雨梧桐叶落时。 西宫南内多秋草,落叶满阶红不扫。 梨园弟子白发新,椒房阿监青娥老。 夕殿萤飞思悄然,孤灯挑尽未成眠。 迟迟钟鼓初长夜,耿耿星河欲曙天。 鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重,翡翠衾寒谁与共。 悠悠生死别经年,魂魄不曾来入梦。 临邛道士鸿都客,能以精诚致魂魄。 为感君王辗转思,遂教方士殷勤觅。 排空驭气奔如电,升天入地求之遍。 上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见。 忽闻海上有仙山,山在虚无缥渺间。 楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。 中有一人字太真,雪肤花貌参差是。 金阙西厢叩玉扃,转教小玉报双成。 闻道汉家天子使,九华帐里梦魂惊。 揽衣推枕起徘徊,珠箔银屏迤逦开。 云鬓半偏新睡觉,花冠不整下堂来。 风吹仙袂飘飘举,犹似霓裳羽衣舞。玉容寂寞泪阑干,梨花一枝春带雨。 含情凝睇谢君王,一别音容两渺茫。 昭阳殿里恩爱绝,蓬莱宫中日月长。 回头下望人寰处,不见长安见尘雾。 惟将旧物表深情,钿合金钗寄将去。 钗留一股合一扇,钗擘黄金合分钿。 但教心似金钿坚,天上人间会相见。 临别殷勤重寄词,词中有誓两心知。 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。 在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello, haha came home early tdy! :D
2plus reached home, me a goood girl :] Lol.

Had social studies first, so tiring lor. his lessons can go lalaland alr(;
maths, HATE alot. with that stupid brainless teacher.
english, so-so.
recess, stayed in class and cleared my pprs. lol and went to toilet slacked awhile thn went back. hahahhah.
Chem, going through th things first aft that test. Th test I alot don't know how to do.
I think I'm gna get ZERO again :/

After school, went to hub with emily & xinling(;
Lunched in foodcourt, and walk walk, thn went home aft that :]
Reached home, do all my things thn posting blog now .

Later gna take a sleep & watch my shows aft that :D
Takecare! byebyeeeee :]
I wna watch Prom Night !

Friday, July 25, 2008

LOLOLOLOLOLS. Hey there. hahahh!

Everyday = school sucks :D Just hate school(;

Same, met emily, siewhwi, yihong all and went to school tgt. Hm, today's weather not bad narh! :x
Want rain also never rain :/
Aft that flag raising as usual. & blahblahblehhhhhh ,

Physics, oh-so boring! lolol. But just copying those notes lor. so bor liao.
then aft that Art. hahhaah! we say never bring art bag, she gone mad sial D:
so went to class & take lor. so irritating!
stupid ngsiewkuan still wna me & yihong stayed back during eng period, cos mrs lai didn't come.
No way sial. Cos we kept on chatting away & never do work, her work sucks.

Aft that, lied to her that we have english worksheets to do. So she no choice. HAHAHAHHH!
we all went to toilet & slacked :D
til recess time, thn came back from recess, playing in toilet. lol
Maths lesson, was feeling rather sleepy sial. Thn gone to sleep. aft awhile woke up.
Don't know what to do fer th graph thingy. Mrs ang's teaching was effing lousy! :O
Went for chinese lesson, normal lor. gave us worksheets & asked us do, alstly collected back.
so boring!

Assembly, one of th 3e classes performed. drama norh, forget which class alr.
I hate mdm yao!
went to collect newspaper aft that, Fer th CIP thingy one. which whole class need to attend :/ so stupid. Lol
Oh, so went to collect newspapers door to door. haa!
Thn went down, can't find all of them. walk here and thr, so tiring & th weather so hot.
which makes me feel like dying*
at last, found them. uh! mr lai didn't say properly sial :x
taking th soft toys so embarrasing, lol.
went to wait fer that lorry to come. thn sit sit, went home aft that(;

That's all, BYEBYE :D


Heidi, me . lol

Above; xinling & sofea. Below; Heidi, me, eilen & emily(;Taken on th way home,

Thursday, July 24, 2008


中元節 coming le! :O I want faster go home everyday aft sch alr,
cannot stay too late ! Veh scary siol.

& I love hamsters :D They're effing cute ! ^^

lol, I love today's weather. Ha! I hope every morning also rain thn no have to go parade square alr(;
So can save my energy climbing up & down th stairs, it was soooooooo tiring you know! :x
Oh, mrs lai didn't cam tdy :DDDDDDD (happaye happaaaaaye)!

first lesson chem, so boring doing what station games or whatever shiat de.
Aft tht went to class, thn blahblahblahhhh .
Physics, SUCKS :]
A weird teacher anyhow teach, I HATE HIS WAYS OF TEACHING OKAY. liek wtheaven!
Heard that he's demoted or what from another school, nvss ? alot peepos saying~
Since it was rainy day and weather super cooling, so went to sleeep. Ha!
In th end, didn't do his work eh. Thn asked him I wna go toilet, he didn't say anything thn he turned to talk to other peepos alr, thn I thought he allowed me, so I went out.

I came back, friends told me he giving me 2 demerits! D:
I really wna kill him lah! ;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx stupid si shen!!!!!!!!
thn he said unless I do my work thn he cancelled my name away, wth la, alot peepos also never do, why must I do just fer cancelling my name away? Idiot.
So I went to recess lor, wna give demerit jiu give la, so?
Alot teachers always threaten us using demerits. .______________________.
Thn act infront of parents only, & showing them how GOOD our school is. HHAHHAHAH! piece of shiatz.

Same, didn't eat anything fer recess. Don't feel like eating, don't know why O.O"
& had chinese, reading those what papers. Ohmy~~~
I really dislike tht chinese teacher, always give us alot papers thn read to us th passage.
thn 不知不覺 , one or two period over. fck another don't know how to teach one.
That idiotic arse TONG WH said that what we always drive away good teachers or what, 放屁啦 !
that chinese teacher can't control her angeer, will started scolding us DOGS, SHIATZ and alot unpleasant words. as a teacher... Sigh* feel pity fer those teachers who like that scolded students, so lousy one. scold lor, see if you die will end up in 十八層地獄 mah lor, let's wait & seee bahs.
Don't blame me fer saying all those, I alr tolerate veh long alr ok.
人的忍耐是有限度的 , 一旦超過極限 , 那可別怪我無情無意.
we can;t kill teachers, but will curse them till they dies. thn no exams, no school, no studies, Oh-so wonderful ^^ hehhehehhee!
okok, stop complaining, and so sorry fer that :]

english, SSRP.
went to toilet & slacked. Ha! th fan kept on blowing and so cooling :D
camwhored, and emily took videos. lol most is my stupid retarded one. :c
Hahahhahhh! But nevermind narh, :P
went back to class, yuzran and chenren fighting and beating each other makes me laugh like mad! :O
super funny sial!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! cos chenren's face looks funny. hahahhahahaa!
I sho bad :/

thn VE, mr lai always never come in one. Don't know where he go.
thn throwing papers around ._______.
thn aft school, went to hub and buy things. aft that headed to emily's house with xinling (;
thn went to clementi and meet peepos and give things.
Had a long journey, on train keep on chatting alot alot. lolol esp emily & xinling. LOL
thn on th way back also keepe chatting, Ha! so funny and fun.

6plus, going 7 went back emily's hse & took my bag.
thn off with xinling.
thn I went home aft that :D

Lol, I veh urgent on th bus ://////
ok, byeebyeeeeeeeeeee heh heh. WATCH MY SHOWS NOW! :D

hey and I changed my blogsong again, lol.
emily told me bout this song, hm it's nice, thanks sister! ♥

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey there! Hhahahah, today lazy type in chinese, so... write english. Lol
& so sorrry ya evy! :x hahhs ,

Hm, nothing much actually. Just another boring school day.
But today, NO RAINING! D:
HOW CAN?!?! Rain lah. No rain not cooling. lol?
okay, stop crap. ^^

First lesson, 3 periods of art. downloading pictures and painted.
luckily no have to stay back :D

secondly, english. Eeeeeeeeeyerrr. I hate it, not th subject but th teacher :] so sucky, & idk why lol.
recess, walk around alone. cos I can't find yihong. Lawls. plus emily never come schoool tdy, so bored.
Hope she faster recover! xD
History, went to comp lab. Mdm tong inside. Tht stupid turtle neck lolololols.
but she did nothing, just sat down thr watching us.
and when lesson ended, she talk to us a few words and off she went. (smiles)*

Maths, hong sat beside me. and did one graph only. lol
don't care(; thn talk with hansiang & minglui.
chinese lessson, veh sleeepy. and off to my lalaland alr. Didn't pay attention, and thts all.

aft schooool, went to buy food from th market thr, and we went to class & makan.
aft eating, left me & yihong , so we slept alr.
Lol, sleeep till so comfortable! :D
so long didn't sleeep in class like this alr, like my room like that, lol.
Got stung by mosquitoes two times tdy alr. wtheaven lea._____________.
and I saw ants around tooooo! th sweets rot on th floor so mnay weeks also nobodys aw, so noone swept it off. :O

Oh ya, actually Tianxin asked me to go running with her later on, but I'm tired & lazy so didn't go.
So sorrrry lea! Next time ok? sure sure next timeeee will :]

Okay, byebye alr. :]
I'm gna watch my shows againnnnnn yah. weeeeeheX!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

大家好!我想用华语来写博客,因为天天用英语感到很闷。。。 哈哈哈
希望你们不会介意啊! :D

好的! 让我开始今天所发生的事吧。啊,其实没什么重要的啦!呵呵。。

今天差一点迟到 leh. 吓死我!昨晚我祈祷明天下一场雨,因为就会没有升旗礼了呀!
今天就实现了!!!! :D 感到无比快乐 !
但是谁知,那么以下,就下到不知何时才能了lor! 起初没那么冷,但渐渐地开始冷了~ 没关系啦,没有被冻死就可以了。 :]

第一堂课是数学,洪老师快要疯了!一气之下只教那些要听课的学生。 。 。

没做什么 lor, 只是量体重等等罢了。 由于还下着大雨,所以没有考 2.4 ^^ 一级棒!!!

Recess, 肚子很饱,没吃东西。哈哈!反正都已经习惯了。俗话说“少成若天性,习惯成自然。”

英文课,玩什么鬼 debating 嘛!有够无聊的~
华文课,写作文。 Lol!
这么奇怪的写法 .______________. 哈哈,管他那么多,乱乱写一通 (:

一转眼我真快要变白发苍苍的老麼麼了。 :o

好啦,我就寫道這兒了! 再見!!!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

HAHA. yesterday was playing my neopets :] and aft tht went to watch my shows!
your will think I'm mad, maybe? ^^

Tdy went to meet emily sis, and we went to hub and walk walk first,
before meeting other peeepos at yiochukang(;

1plus, we headed to yck and thn back to hub. Lols~
so we went to buy something to eat, we didn't went to eat proper meal. Haaa!
But we did eat some only, lol.
Aft that, we went to walk rounds & rounds & roundssssssssss in hub. :/
Sometimes, aft school we also did that (unless we're not sleeeeepy). Lmaoooo .

So, we went to catch movie, Th Dark Knight :D
Ohmy, it was nice ! nice nice movie I can say. Lol ,

Haahh, th batman was known as dark knight.

Uhhh, I wna watch prom night next, lol.
Hmmmm, okay aft th show we went to walk around againnn. :o
Emily meeeting her friend, eugene later on. & I'm gna went to eat dinner with my papa & meimei.
so sorrayeee that I couldn't be able to pei you sial~ :x
err, so her friend came, thn ask them acc me walk to mrt station thr, lol.

& off ,

Trained to chinatown :]
and meet my papa & meimei thr, aft tht we went to mouth restaurant & makan :D
th vege is nice niceeee & ymmy laaaaa! lawls.
So we went to clarke quay aft we had our dinner.
Hm, walked around in th new shopping mall, and bored.

Trained back, and bussed home(;
Reached home, conference with hansiang & mich.
thn they going eat so hand up alr. Now blogging. :} haahahaah!

Hey sister!!!! hope ya recover sooon :D takeecareeee uh :]

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today, lesson was so-so lor, but still boring! :x

Social studies, yucks. so bored, I thought can sleep in class.
But who knows choy wna go comp lab sial! :/ hai me can't rest D:
More boring inside th lab, & thr's stupid insect flying here & thr !
In th end, also end its life~

Maths, lolol so bored also. Get back our papers. Haaaaa! Guess how much I get?
Lol, I did soooooooooooooooooooo BADLY :O and this mark I didn't get before in my life sial.
Nevermind norhh , I'm alr prepared(;
Thr's a reason behind it, was because I HATE MATHS :D
English, normal. But I don't like tht teacher ,
& I don't feeeel like going school tooo. sucks

2 periods of chemistry. Lawls!
spent time by chit chatting all th way throughout her lessons.
But we did copied th answers lea. Hahahhahaaa!
Lol, gna lesson end, talk bad bout mrs QUEK ! xD LOLOLOL. soooo funny lah.
laugh till stomache :/ Haa! okok, that's all fer now, gna play neopets! heh heh,

After that, gna watch my shows again :]


Friday, July 18, 2008

HEY. haaa!

First, maths. ohmy! I hate it :/
so confusing , and caused my mind wna die. lol but in th end didn't really pay attention to th class.
Cause I was boring & tired. Idk why too. hahhha maybe last night watch teeve watch till too late alr? Nevermind uh :]
Next lesson, art :] quite fun today. Lol
cos we got to take pictures around th fourth and third floorth :D super fun laaaa. hahh!
better than staying in th room and listened to her talkings. Ha!
Took pictures cause we gna do for our coursework thingy.
My theme is Reflection. haaa, quite alot of us chose reflection, so we took alot of reflections xD

English, ohohhhhhhhhh~
Had letter writing test ? Lol sial! xD
My english was really toooo lousy lah, I didn't know what FACILITIES means! .___________.
Very OMG. poooooor english, haa!
Th more I look at this word, th more I found it strange and weird. as if I didn't learnt this word before. So weird laaaa D:
So, I anyhow do :D
Thn anyhow get scolded lor. lolololols !

RECESS, drank milk and liek so longlonglonggggg time didn't drink alr ,
Chinese, boring lesson. Just reading th newspaper.
V.E, lolol, divided into groups and do what group work thingy. Bout addiction to internet and blahblahhhhhblahhhhhhbleh. Lol!
But, I'm addiction to teeve! hehhh heh.


Okay, so after school went to hub with emily and xinling .
walked rounds & rounds & roundss around. hahahhahh! so 4plus went home :]
Homesweethome :D :D :DDDDDDD

hahhaa , oh!
tml's Evy's birthday! so here wishing ,


Thursday, July 17, 2008


omg, I kept on rewatching th 《鬼丈夫》 show . hahahha!
& don't know cried how many times alr. lol
but its a SUPER TOCUHING, SAD SHOW afterall :D
百看不厌~ ! :D


shall start blogging now, haaaa!
hm, tdy .

chemistry, so idiot.
physics, SSRP :D *spending our time sitting outside classroom for fun :]
had early recess. lolols ( cos thr were no teachers :D )
chinese, sleeeping period. xD
english, so tired and boring, went to th comp lab aft tht. did what stupid exercise ,
so BORED you know! :x
V.E, first few minutes lecturing session, mr lai kept on nag D: suchannn old man. lawls!
thn must divide into groups for don't know what shiat. I find it so bor liao.
cos I'm tired. ._______________.
I only feel like watching my shows all day long without peepo disturbing me and I super hate going school.

I'm addicted to it alr. ohmyyyyy~! lol.

so aft school, xinling went home, emily got cheerlead,
thn me & yihong stayed around in school. and buy something to eat and walk walk at th foyer.
emily came to find us, said she was dismissed. haah! so fast yah! lawls.

so we both went home and yihong said she waiting for michelle.
I lazy walk to mich's hse thr de bus stop, cos it was sucha long way.
so I just took 88 and homed :]


oh god, tml tml tml, art! D:

one period only, hope faster over, if not I'm really gna fell asleep :/
anyways, kuan said we tml neeed use what camera and take what photos de thingy. lolol
oh yeah!!!! CAMERA :D
that's nice. Hope tht really got norh. hahahhaa ~

Only, I love home!
cos I can watch my lovely shows till midnight! :D muahahahhaha!
okayy, byebyeeee now :]
going to have some nap, and off for teeve aft that :D

Tags replied:
- Xiuyan: haaah! alright sure :D

红尘自有痴情者, 莫笑痴情太痴狂, 若非一番寒澈骨, 那得梅花扑鼻香,

问世间情为何物, 只教人生死相许, 看人间多少故事, 最消魂梅花三弄,





Hey, who can tell me what should I do?
I can't I can't I CAN'T!!!!!!! :/

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hey helloooo peeepos. hahaha

wahhhhhh,! I watched finish th 梅花三弄之二《鬼丈夫》alr sial...


th story,














th videos :D

cause yesterday, I spent my whole day watching :D
whole day my eyes sticking to th screen. haaa! cos tht show was SUPER DUPER NICE !
and it was TOUCHING, SAD & in th end HAPPAYE :DDD

th most is sad, which make me keep dropping tears liek shyt:/
my eyes was swollen at first, but wake up alr, feel better! heh heh.
You know what? hahaha! cos I spent th whole day watching th show till I watched finish,
th time is 2am. lawls~
thn I couldn't get into sleep as I kept thinking th story over and over again.
& kept on flashing in my mind~


Okay, so today I woke up late.
& took taxi, stupid taxi! so late thn come, luckily never late :] gbm (:
& so school as normal lor, always boring de!

maths, was coyping mrs ang's answers. thn liek tht norh,
P.E, jogged one round, and we went to walk walk.
recess, bought bread . hahhh!
english, so weird! :x i hate her lessons anyways(:
chinese, so sucky cos of my eyes, which makes me anyhow do my work! D:
how can right!?!! wtheaven laaa, so in th end also didn't care much.
her lesson always liek SSRP , so used to it.
but I damn hate her lessons :}

Aft school, darlingsis & me decided to went home straight away .
and we went home aft tht :D

Here blogging, later I'm gna have my small nap and when I woke up,
I'm gna watched 梅花三弄之一《梅花烙》 :D


andandandddd, I love~

hello kitty!
hello kitty!!
hello kitty!!!

tht is th time my eyes sick :/

Why am I so confused?
oh please pleaseeee, don't think anymoreee. okay!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


time now is 1:05am! hahaha :P

These few days I've been watching these below shows :D
although I'd already watched before years ago. hahaha !

yeah!!!!! this show was real nice laaaaa! :DDD
really love watching it.

th story 梅花三弄 , got 3 different stories.
th stories are: 梅花三弄之一《梅花烙》, 梅花三弄之二《鬼丈夫》, 梅花三弄之三《水云间》。

among three shows,
《梅花烙》 and 《鬼丈夫》 are super NICE okay. :DDDDDD

shall continue watch 《鬼丈夫》 now , byeeeee! :]

梅花三弄之三 《鬼丈夫》

梅花三弄之鬼丈夫 - 初相遇

梅花三弄之鬼丈夫 - 祭墳殉情

梅花三弄之鬼丈夫 - 真相大白

鬼丈夫- 大結局



hello hellooooo helloooooooo HELLO laaaa. lolol! I'm mad :P
hey, anyways ytd I was busy watching shows so didn't blog . hahhaa.

lol, tdy lessons was, alright lah. & I didn't slept in class today! :]
But I didn't really pay attention in class as most of th time I was either staring into space or talking. hahahahahaa.

Hey! I wna complaint sial! mrs lai siewchin D:
she make lost my english ppr.! liek wtheaven laaaa. and she said is I don't wna hand in t her.
fck lah! i rmbered veh clearly tht I'd handed in on a friday which is weeks ago.
and she said to me: THANK YOU. aft she took it from me! D:
& I'm not gna redo everything. :}

I've been thinking here & thr nowadays, lol. I also don't know why tooooo:/
& recess, I was standing outside th corridor, thinking something.
stupid ml so scared me. shouted behind me, so near my ear, and I got a big shocked sial. fck!:x
I almost 灵魂出窍 sial. wthell lahhh.
This is th veh veh first time I got a soooo soooooooo big shock in my life manzxzxsc! D:clever luh :D :D :D hey! but I really understand, so I did my work. xD
& mr lai sms-ed me.
said my wallet's been found! & asked me get from him after school.
I got a shocked and I was sooooo happaye lea! xD
This shows my waiting was worth! :D
last friday lost it, this friday found it :D


choy came into th class, talked alot of things tht so wasting of my precious time.
said what vp's gna visit our class during his lesson on 22nd july.
I think tht TONG wna see us how we behaved in class lor. so stupid siah she! ><
she's toooooo qian bian you know! D:

and because of this, choy had to talked to us.
next week also can say what, still faraway from 22th lor excuseee me.
so we went to foyer and find siewhwi to get my wallet.
and aft tht, went to hub with emily & xinling :]
went to eat, but not a meal lai de:x haahhhaa. and aft tht walked around, bought bubble tea.
and we went to popular, bought wrapper and STGS :D which I'm gna be reading later on :} went to hub again, and went to water fountain thr and slacked.
hahaha, we chatted alot alot alott sial. so fun also! xD

till 6plus, thr got water alr, saw th water alr, wna play with it, but thn its getting late, everyone had to go home. and we no have extra clothings.
lolols so we said next time thn bah :D heh heh !
so we went hme after that :]
byebyeeeeeeeeeeee! .
finally thrs no school tml! & i love it :D

done by yihong. lolols!
emily . xinling . joanne(me)
head shot, and she's dead. LOLS xD
nice sky lea! :P
th water fountain began:x hahaha.
christine, me, yiling, heidi .
I'm willing to wish you happiness with th one you love,
though it really hurts me alot.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

yiling, me, xinyi :D

Hey yo! haahhaa. lala!
just nice met tianxin at th bus stop & took bus tgt :]
and it was raining! yeahh!!!! thn no assembly. Hawhawhaw :D

but, tdy lesson sucks.
no leaaa, everyday lessons also suckkky one. heh heh :]

lol, chemistry, don't know what mrs quek teaching.
mdm aw teach better :D
Physics, HAHA. mr leeee taishen was toooo fed up with us alr. lols
we kept on making him angry sial.
We all never listened to his lesson, he took out his black colour book and started to write our names down... He thought he writing names on deathnote uh. so qian bian! :x
chinese lesson, mdm ong kept on saying us. somehow liek scolding.
so we did our work & blahblahblahhhh.
English, yucks do what letter writing or what de, we all forgot th format, thn she liek so ji dong. lolol.
thn done alr also hand in norh. so ma fan. hmm aft tht ve, just talk bout late coming. and thts all.

aft school, accompanied xinyi emily to th gate and she went home.
cos I neeed stay to help out th awards nite thingy. stayed until 5plus going 6 liek tht thn went home.
feeeeeling super sleeepy .
reached hme, & I bathe & slept :D
till now, I woke up. hah! just slept fer not long, but its better than no sleeep.

Thr're more things tht neeed to be done lea.
Later gna do. okay, BYEBYE! :]

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Stupid art! torturing session uh! lept on scolding us liek shiat lah. old ngsiewkuan
& stupid mrs lai, idiot! :]
andandand, I really hate schoooool lor. Hope can faster don't go school alr(: thts better!

lessons were really bored. Aft school, headed to pizza hut with darlingsis emily & eve, to had our lunch :D
from morning till 2pm plus had not eaten anything yet. hahah we're hungry. lols
Eve was super funnnny! xD hahhaha.
okay, so we accompanied emily to popular cos she wna buy things.

& this was th time I started to read th singapore true ghost stories...

Hmmhm, first story, 世上只有妈妈好 . ( shi shang zhi you mama hao )
It's really nice niceeeee! :] holding back my tears actually. cos its public you know! :x
shiatttttzsxszxn~ , should not have read it at th first place. out of curiousity lor:/ sigh*
afterall it was a nice true story eh! :]
must buy must buy and go home read all finish :} butbutbut. cos not enough money, plus my membership card was lost, so no discount. :{
haa! okie okie, thn so, we went home aft tht. I was superrr sleepy on th bus, sleeping till I almost forget to alight. LOLS
okay, so I went homeee alr :] watching teeve. and do all my usual things.
went to watch teeve again! hohoho!

you know teeve is th best !
I love watching teeeve. so niceeeee! xD
but I hate life.

I'm really effing tired of life!

There's so much to do yet so little time.
I yearn for a carefree and relaxing life.
But it can only be a dream.
Reality is too harsh. toooooo tooo harsh.

thats all, BYEBYE! :]
off to watch 還珠格格 again! :DDDDD
還珠格格二 Huan zhu ge ge --(趙薇--不能和你分手)MTV
新楚留香——但愿人长久 (this show is niceeee niceeee!!!)

Everything are not important to me anymore, only mum, family & friends(;

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ni hao! I'm back again :] hahahaha.

Tdy went to meet darling sis emily at overhead bridge. so i took 159 to angmokio.
just alighted from th bus, it started to rain, liek wtheaven!!! :O
didn't brought umbrella. but luckily another way can reach :]

Emily came, & we trained to town, and walked to meridien shopping mall. lol
aft tht went to find her gugu bout facial de thingy. hah!
her gugu brought us to th downstairs food court and ate! heh heh. nicenice so thanksalot!
next, we went up agn, and I waited fer emily outside.
sitting thr quite bored & camwhored lil :P
hahhahahahahh! 3pm plus going 4pm, she came out :}

and thn off to angmokio. collect things from her maid, and we trained to bukit batok. LOLS
and we went to west mall and walk walk around.
aft tht jiu went to breadtalk and buy alot alot breads. esp emily! ahahhaa.
thn I was hungry, found aplace to sit and ate bread. lolol.
aft awhile, we went to meet th peepo at mrt station, and give her things and we went off to take mrt back.
butbut, mrt alot peepos, liek so squeezy! :x

so we wanted to cabbed back to angmokio. lols went to find taxi, no sign of taxi leaaa. ahhah!
so we went interchange and took 852 back to angmokio.
finally came, and we were eating breads on th bus. hahh!
It's a long long longggg journey. hahahhaa!

so ok, reached, took 88 home. :] and I'm really toooo full alr!
Byebye, gna watched my shows alr.
& th thought of going school tml makes me moodless. D:
Here are th peekchas taken today:]

I'm so bored.! LOLS.
boring also. heh heh.
in th toilet :x
so empty, see one peepo thr?haha nice one :]
camwhored in th bus :PPP
anyhoww! xP
she lieks to point middle one. :P
she's eating bread in th bus! xD

These were taken yesterday :D

In th cab, off to makan at town.
Dead silence.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hey yo peeeeeeepos :D
welcome to my blog. welcome to my blog welcome to my blog welcome welcome we... so sorry uh. I'm lamee. :/ LOLS
Idk why tooo :] smiles*
okie, start blogging now. :P

Hmm hmm. tdy went to school to help out th NOMAD thingy.
At first, I thought we're told to sell tickets.
next, I heard peepos saying we helping to shift things here & thr.
third, (confirmed) they said sold Nomad souvenirs. lols! so funny neh.

Meet emily and xuanting at th bus stop. ohmyy~ I was late agn. :x so sorraye bout tht!
so we went to school tgt.
and thn reached alr, out our things and walk around. cos we got nothing to do.
michelle reached alr, followed by xinling :]
6plus we went to sell th badges. hahahhahaa !
stupid badges! :P muahahhaa ! make us so busy running here and thr like siaoooo uh!
LOL, we kept asking peepos to buy. somemore we kept on pestering. ha! so funny laaaaa .
till 8 or 9pm plus, we finally sold all finish! :D so happaye.

so we went to watch those performance lerr. GREAT ONE!
aft tht going 10pm, xinling need to rush home. so she went off first. so we byebyeee lerr.
thn me and emily went off tooo.
we actually going home. but thn suddenly jasmine shouted my name which I got a shocked. lol
she so bad uh pon duty. LOL!!! xD
anyways, thn we jiu kept on ka jiao them xP heh heh.
we liek, don't let them have a peaceful night. LOLS we're sho bad! xD
thn aft tht jiu went to 202 de kopitiam shun bian asked fer my wallet's news.
stil no have. sigh* whr th hell my wallet gone to? D:
pleasepleasepleaseee! return to my side. i need you, wallet wallet :]
praying hard*......

aft tht we went to mama shop and buy things.
bought aloe vera to quench my thirst and wtheaven I forgotten to bring my bottle, hahahha thts why! :D
emily bought pringles and soda water.
thn we waited fer her papa to come and fetch us home. really neeed thanks you many many eh! :}}}}}}}}}
Her papa reached, and drove me home. gna reach, called my papa and wait fer me . lol
andandanddd, byebyeeee thanks to emily and her papa.
and my papa bring me home :D

These few days have been going home late. haha next time won't alr :]
tml afternoon gna meet emily:) and at night, gna eat restuarant with my papa & meimei :D

Emilydarlingsis! Joanneretardedsis! :D
I'm so retarded. thankyouuu muehehehe ! guess which is me! lalala~
emily ! tou tou pai de!!! xD
night city view. LOL kidding laaaaa :P these peekchas were taken on 2 July.

Oh. okie I hate you, I don't love you.
I don't wna care so much. because it totally sucks.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

ni hao ni hao ni haooooo! :]

I lost my precious wallet. tht means alot to me. how can lost it?!
impt things inside which I can't afford to lose it. I'm sucha idiot lah. fck :x
idk whr I misplaced it ! D: I hope I lost it in school, so that maybe thr's higher chance to be found :]
If found, I'm really gna thanks god :}
but still, no any news bout my wallet :{ hope to be found asap. *waiting in progress~
& I'm back to blog again. didn't blog last few days cos nth much happened:]
But, thr's only one thing I could say,
I HATE SCHOOL. It sucks many many ok!

School ends at 10.10am today.
so we went home aft tht. Eve came to my house . HAHAHAH,
aft tht she used my comp while I was preparing my things.
andandand we headed to hougang mall to buy a new wallet to replace it first.
next, we toook bus 74. she alighted at bowensec thr cos she wna find her friend.
while I alight at angmokio norh. hahaha :]
before tht, was walking to th stop, I step onto sticky things on th fround which made me nearly fel down :x
I didn't open my eyes while walking. and I rub against th grass. *yucks!!!~
so, meet up with emily and xinling in hub, and we shop around fer nail polish. aft tht went to central and shop toooo.

aft awhile, we headed to J8 and have lunch thr :D
I'm really hungry. lols bought bubbletea toooo :D
and lastly found a seat to sit. aft eating, we went off. went to meet michelle at her house thr de basketball court.
cos just nice emily's friend was thr playing.
On th way to michelle's hse, I didn't see peepos vomiting all those things on th floor. I step onto it. when xinling was bout to told me, I just step onto it! ><>
so aft michelle came, we walked to hub . And yihong reached toooo.
went to th arcade and find hansiang they all.
thn played awhile, Xuanting came. so we also took photos thr.
hahah! took with DJ bear, heh heh. somemore peekchas were at emily xinyi's blog :D

went to food court and eat. while yihong they all went to jubilee and eat .
so aft tht we went to school first. outside th gate waiting fer them.
they came, and we went in norhh. so boring. LOL hahahaa.

time passes... so it's 9pm plus. me and emily went to nearby blk and sit sit.
and waiting fer her friend to come. we chatted alot, and till halfway, I was like, eh? where am I? Why am I here. Did I know this place? I was like still living in th past or what. suddenly everything right infront of me was so strange and I felt all so .........
haiya ! dunno why suddenly happened. lols I'm mad :x

10.30pm, we bid goodbye and went hme. Just reached th stop, and 88 came. hahaa and thts all. asked my papa to come down and fetch me.
lols! okok byebye ! next time shall upload more. :D
AHAHA! tdy's tianxin's birthday yo. LOL


peekchas taken tdy :]
nice clothing she wore.
EMILY DARLING SIS! xD :D took photos with DJ bear! xD

blehhhh .
supposed to make retarded faces. hahme, xuanting, emily, xinling. :D
me & xinling :]

Did you did tht deliberately?
& you should know I'm still loving him...