Tuesday, March 31, 2009



I'm getting more and more absurd nowadays. I can also be happaye at times. and not to forget down too. Seriously ar, i've been thinking wht's wrong w me recently. sometimes, i still have to fake a smile on the outer shell. i really really don't know whts going on w meee.

These few days have been suffering from insomnia, ugh. i can't sleep really well. i have a lot a lot a lot of troubles bottling up in my heart, as if i've got thousands, millions, zillionxzsxzsx like that. and the main thing was, i can't let it go.

Sometimes, i did see people leading a happy life out thr. I don't think am the one.
see, i'm not good in anything except there's one thing, which was so useless. (figure it out yourself if you wanna know.) But tht's fate, what can I do? lmaoxzs.
Ok i will try my very best to stay happaye despite whtever thing sad happen thennn. Probably after death, that will not be a dream to me. (not thinking of dying, far too young now)
Now, it was like a dream.

Who knows what will happen 10 years down the road? ha. i don't even wanna think of it. :/

Pardon for this post. this is wht am feeling right now. sort of moody, but i guess after awhile i will be very fine. i'm really getting crazy-,-

& i'm dreaming of having some divine powers or whatever shit tht has got to do with ancient people, so lmao , i know. Yeaaa, so you know what have i done? I searched for the manuals in the net up and down, and I'd actually printed them out! omgooosh. lol. and it was damn thick. (see the above picture)

After i'd printed them out, i read them slowly. tyring to understand wht are they trying to say.. because it was too confusing. wht cemetary and skulls, while i can't even go to cemetary and take a sit you know! lolzxzs.
I'll be sent to imh if i did that.

But anyway, learning these was fun too.

And my meimei can go Japan. so sad, cause her school is offering this kind of thingy. so cool.
unlike my school. lmao. slower than others.
maybe that is call , f.a.t.e again.

yaya whatever, im not caring anymore, ok time now was 12.36am and im going to have a cereal alr, because my stomach's growling. sorry people.

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