Thursday, June 26, 2008

HAHAH! still th same old words :D
I hate school :]
heh hehehe.

lessons were same same sameeeeeee. and sleeeepy. muehehehhe !
thn aft school, we all go find mrs ng fer doing dunno what thing bout nomad derr. hahs!
thn all went home, left me, bell, xinling and huilin .
thn we all went to help spray th pipes.
so many pipes, but still manage to spray all finish:]
but left th taller ones. HOHOHO!!!
at first cleaning th pipes. thn go use th spray norhh. bell said I spray like using th insecticide to kill mosquitoes like tht. O.O" LOLS.

aft tht end le, jiu went hub with bell. aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh~!!!
I find hp stripes find till will die siah. still can't find one I like :{
hope can found it soooon! 8)

Bought bubbletea, and we walk around and around round round in hub.
cos we wna drink finish th drinks first. lolols
eeeeeeeee ! saw anand!!! D: ohhmyyyyyy~ she said us must always tuck in our uniform and blahblahblahhhhh bleh x______X
hope she will not find us tml:] and I'll be veh grateful alr ^-^ heh heh.

ohhyaaaaaa. bellbell she didn't go school tml and also friday! :{
faster come back uh :x will miss you de laaaaaaa! :]
papa said this saturday maybe going eat buffet. lols so nice :}
and I hope aft tht won't be going sch forever anymore. school sucks :D

thn pok back to my topic, thn jiu walk up and down talktalktalkkk and we saw someone familiar face, gianjie! LOLS
and thn hihi byebye le walk few more rounds jiu walked hme:]
she sent me nearby only thn I walked to bus stop. and bussed hme(;
reached hme 7plus. lol so sleeeepy. but idk why can't sleeep now.
only yawning alot alot. xD

okiie. byebyeeeee ! ooooyeahh!!! hhahaha gna continue to watch 樊梨花與薛丁山. [ 白袍將軍薛丁山 移山倒海樊梨花 ] alr:D

hahhaha I finally watched finish my 封神榜 :]

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