Tuesday, April 22, 2008

D: D:
life was like a never ending route to me,
when will it ends?

Ahhh. Im happy & sad tdy .______.
morning was tooo happayeeeee lahh :}
afternoon was feeling super sleepaye! O.O
can't sleep when having things to do.
no classroom-sleeping after sch anymore! :{ super duper sad! :'{

hope to end sooooooooner! :)

saw you, talked to me (;
even though there's just a few words only :P HAHA!
THANKS GOD! hehehe...... im contented alr:D

I'll continue to keep it as a secret, forever a secret :}
she's a shorty!(:
she SUCKS like hellll~ and thought she veh big i scared her eh!:}
hahaha~ so funny lor! AS IF !~
she didn't make thing clear still insult me infront of her boy.
which is i think is a veh CHILDISH WAY to do;D
like a fcking lil shitty asssholeeeees!
anyways, i admit that im childish, im used to it alr.
you also not first day teach me/know me!
air head~ use youuurrr stupid brain & think before you open you foul mouth laaaaaaa!~ idiotic!!! D:<
which totally spoilt my mood.! fcking yucking SHIATZ! _!_
love is in the air :}

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