HELLO PEEEEEPS. The time now is 1.30am alr. and im still here, not sleeping, hah! later ba! : D thr's 2 more picts with sofeaaaa :D hehehe. will upload once she uploaded it wor haha.
Around 10plus, emily, sofea, eilen sms-ed me. LOL! they sms so cute one lei. hahaha. each of them typed, Open. the. door now. LOL!
And out of curiosity, so i went to check it out.. Omg i really got a shocked and surprised eh!
Emily held the cake on the hand, strawberry somemore! : D
So, i cut the cake until very ugly, LOL-,- so not nice la i destry them x.x HAHA. but aft tht eilen helped me.
Eat and stuffs. hehehhee. used comp, played w hamsters toooo woohoo. hahas.
11plus went to seven eleven and get soem foods to eat!
so we walked to a void deck, and chit chatted a lot a lot of stuffs, haha. and then eilen had to go home as it was alr very late. so they cabbed home aft tht ~
Woooosh, went back to my room and fell on my bed! I thinking just now really very happppy.
to Eilen and Sofea! your birthday will be tht fun tooooo! We'll have the time to do so : D
dont worrrry alright !
To Emily tooooooo! same same! hehhehee.
LASTLY, i wanna thanks you guys for helping me celebrate my birthday!
I wanna thanks to the people below for the birthday wish : D , they are...
Yueying, Emily, Sofea, Eilen, Jazlyn, Yihong, Tianxin, Minglui, Siewhwi, Sheena, Sherylyn, Jacqueline, Jiahui, Christine, Jelene, Beverley, Minyi, Serene, Janez. Michelle, Xinling & Huilin.
Thankkkkks a lot : D really appreciated. and thanks again to em, sof & eilen for giving me a wonderful memorable birthday celebrationnnnn! : D
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