Friday, April 10, 2009

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the day.


HELLO PEEEEEPS. The time now is 1.30am alr. and im still here, not sleeping, hah! later ba! : D thr's 2 more picts with sofeaaaa :D hehehe. will upload once she uploaded it wor haha.

Around 10plus, emily, sofea, eilen sms-ed me. LOL! they sms so cute one lei. hahaha. each of them typed, Open. the. door now. LOL!
And out of curiosity, so i went to check it out.. Omg i really got a shocked and surprised eh!
Emily held the cake on the hand, strawberry somemore! : D

Eilen held the hellokitty balloon! : D
sofea hugging the hoppybunny! Earlier on, i tagged xiuyan's blog tht the bunny very cute, then now i got it, hahaha! omgomgomg it was so niceeee of themmmm! I'm really very very very gan ji them ^^ at first i really couldnt believe you know, ha.

So, i cut the cake until very ugly, LOL-,- so not nice la i destry them x.x HAHA. but aft tht eilen helped me.
Eat and stuffs. hehehhee. used comp, played w hamsters toooo woohoo. hahas.
11plus went to seven eleven and get soem foods to eat!
so we walked to a void deck, and chit chatted a lot a lot of stuffs, haha. and then eilen had to go home as it was alr very late. so they cabbed home aft tht ~
Woooosh, went back to my room and fell on my bed! I thinking just now really very happppy.
to Eilen and Sofea! your birthday will be tht fun tooooo! We'll have the time to do so : D
dont worrrry alright !
To Emily tooooooo! same same! hehhehee.

LASTLY, i wanna thanks you guys for helping me celebrate my birthday!

Edited--------------------- 10pm.
Just reached home not long, cause tday, i had an outing w tianxin! omg so long didnt mett up alr. HAHA.
We trained to town, as usual, crapping a lot a lot. hahaha. funfun* Went to a lot of places to search for stuffs and finally got it. At night, trained to PS and hunt for nice food restaurant as we're super hungry..
But we just couldn't find any, so we trained to Hougang.
Went to hougang mall and eat. hehehe. she treated meeee! ^^v
woooooots! So aft tht we window shopping and bussed home : D
In the middle of the road, we're camwhoring like some crazy asses! HA HA HA. super funnnnny. :P
Okkkk, thts all! thanks for the day sweeetheart :P

I wanna thanks to the people below for the birthday wish : D , they are...

Yueying, Emily, Sofea, Eilen, Jazlyn, Yihong, Tianxin, Minglui, Siewhwi, Sheena, Sherylyn, Jacqueline, Jiahui, Christine, Jelene, Beverley, Minyi, Serene, Janez. Michelle, Xinling & Huilin.

Thankkkkks a lot : D really appreciated. and thanks again to em, sof & eilen for giving me a wonderful memorable birthday celebrationnnnn! : D

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