Friday, April 10, 2009

Your sucha bitch,


Boring lessons as usual. Tday was not a very tired day in school, but i felt sleepy. (wht kind of thing is this-,-)
anyway, Pizza hut aft school with em, sof, eve :D
We crapped a lot and almost turn to crazy people lol.

And ive a very very veryyyyyyyyy super stupid, brainless, idiot, fcukin, lousy, crazy, pms, aa, low class teacher. She called Lai Siew Chin, in case you dont knw.
Your might think she's good, but to me, i dont think so.
I hate her tons. She always wanna vent anger on us, very obvious. This kind of teacher also have! Hahahaha! O-MY-GOODNESS-,-
HUANG XIU JUAN is so much better than her please! Eh? I thought you wanna resign? Haa! Dont dare ? Lmaoszx. Always say one didnt do. This kind of teacher also have! This is called, KOU SHI XIN FEI !
She likes to compare us with others. SO SORRY LOR EH OLD LADY WITH SO MANY WRINKLES ON YOUR FACE! please lei, we are sooooo different from each other ok! then why are we not look alike with each other ? siao! A MENTAL ILLNESS teacher!
If you think we'rew brainless, then you do it for us lah! walao.
A very impatient teacher, expectations so high manszxs. this is soooo crazy! She thinks she very zai mahhhh, stupid airheaddddddd.
I think you got brain cancer huh. then you must take out your whole brain man! So you must put a fake brain lo. You jealous we got brains right? then you not happy then say Brainless, hor hor hor? HAHA. soo funny. If we're BRAINLESS, thn how can we talk, and write? You returned me the paper, nag nag nag idc. YOU SAY BRAINLESS sia. how to accept? fcukyou lei.
you knowwww im very very very angry ok! fcuk it! I feel like chopping off your heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! URRRRGHHHH! wth. YOU SUCK FOR LIFE ok!
Make sure you'll have a HORRIBLE TERRIBLE DEATH LAH.

Your not a good person.
Idc whether i cursed you i will shorten my life not. who cares man. At least i can be a ghost, and im very sure i will haunt you!
I'll have my revenge. serious. Idc you smile to me or wht la, i wont fall into your damn old tricks. Your true colour was, LOUSY, AA, PMS teacher. Your not a kind one. Your just fakin it. You dont have to.
Everytime i pray to god tht i wanna have a good teacher, then how come got this kind of teacher sia-,-
your really sucha biatch, byebye.

Okkkkkk, enough of my ranting. at least i feel better, hah. but i still feel very uncomfortable inside. But heckkkk lo.

Ooooooo. tomorrow's my birthday, i will spend the afternoon with myself? idk lei lol. I'm very touched tht my sis gave me one present, thanks :))))))) I'm really very surprised lol. cause i always scold her, then i'd never thought tht, thankkk a lot : D

Yeaaaaaah, and saturdays outing! so happpy : D
changi airport! here i comes! ^^

I'd alr known that this would happen one day, and it really happen.

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