Sunday, April 12, 2009

All things round,


Reached hme around 12plus. then off to do usual things and im here blogging hah! and now the time is 2.14am ! W.O.W~~~

Wooo. Day started off with neck pain lmaoszx. I think i didn't sleep well so thts why, eeeeee! suckish lols.
Outing w sofea tday, em couldn't make it so left two of us.
We bussed to Botanice Gardens, weather damnnnnn damnn hot manszx, skin pain :x lol, as you can see, i've a very weak and lousy skin-,- lol!

Reached thr, took pictures of the swaaaans! Very nice laaa. haha. actually taking pictures of close-up one.. but then in the end, we took a very very few only! ><>double choc cookie manszx! wth-,- i cant eat anymore... By the time i realised i'd forgotten to take, alr too late le lor, cause we're alr on the bus lo! tooo late, too sad, tooo bad >:(
L.M.A.O.S.X.Z.S.X.Z.S.Z.Z.X.S! O.O

So we drop off at Dhoby ghaut and went to Flea. somehow like flea market, but not market la, is all bout selling clothes one lol.

Bought nothing at all, cause when we reached thr, alr 8pm plus, they were packing stuffs and prepare to go home rest alr! aw. nevermind, we just went around and take a look and went off aft tht. And seriously, tht flight of stairs can cost my life.
Aft tht, actually wanted t meet sofea's friends. but aft tht we end up didn't meet. So, called heidi, she mia. lol. cannot contact her, so nevermind hahhahaa.
then we both walked to town and shop around for clothes, lol! saturday night, still fully packed with people man.
Finally we get our stuffs and went to buy drinks andandanddd we went to cinleisure and suddenly, we have the urge to eat pastamania! hahhaha. causee we just feel like eating ha. then we're enjoying the fooooood. lol. Long time no EAT! :D

As usual, we still crap a lot, talk and stuffs, was like from morning till now. LOL.
And, we wanted to take pict at Clarke quay, but the time very late alr, so we walked to the bus stop. lols.
we reached the first bus stop, but we walked to the other bus stop, suddenly, the bus like coming from far, so we stopped halfway, somehow like stunned la, lol. then we turned and run for the bus ! haha. but luckily, we caught it! congratulationnns! clapx3*

So, i spent the time daydreaming while listening songs in sof's phone, as my hp's batt was dying soon. ><>

And tianxin passed me the present. It was a card, a very nice decorated card! I read it, really touched mansxzx! See all the photos makes me reminiscened the past sia. lol. But anyway, i still thank you a lot a lot a lot alright!
Appreciated many many! But seriously ar, i still really wanna thanks friends who'd helped me celebrate tooo! I really very thank to all of you for giving me sucha nice wonderful memorable celebration.
Maybe this was the last year with your, who knws... So, we must cherish the time tgt. and hope we all still can be in contact man! ^^
Work hard, people! And tx, 11 plus yrs of friendship and still counting on ok! HAHA.

Alright, shall stop here. i know my posts very boring. but why you care to read? LMAO! HAHAHA :D

At the Botanic Garden, 8D

Ok, my close up sucks at this time lol.

When we on the bus to Changi Airport, they were so LOL. haha!

Air-stewardess wanna-be? hah!

Oh! hahaha, anyway, i still very angry with the lc teacher, Lai Siew Chin, seriously she sucks like a bitch man! she is a fcuking airhead teacher! make sure she die faster better than doing harm to other people in this earth yea.

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