Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do you believe in karma?


The above pict was with my aunts:) this pict was taken by my mum.. and you can see tht this pict was a very very long time ago...

Everyday has the same routine. very boring very very veryyyyy boring manzxzs.
dont knw wht to describe. :/
Anyway, i miss Australia. really lo.
if i can migrate to other countries, th i can be very happy lor. cause firstly, you dont knw anyone thr, you can start a new life.Secondly, the air outside sgp is much better.Thirdly, there're more things to shop out thr. Like tht lor-,-

Have been thinking a lot a lot of things recently. from south, north, west to high, middle, low and all. no link all link also think until very confusing-,-
Aunt told me tht mum's not doing really fine. am worried for her actually. Idk. i really cannot stop thinking.
shitzx, i lost my mum's childhood photo. my goodness D:

Nextly, days are numbered. Months had passed. times flies so quickly. N lvl is coming so soooon. I really couldn't believed ei. why sia... I should be concentrating on my studies now.. but i dont seems to do so. i really can't switch the mode to study mode. really idk why. Most probably i wont get to fulfil one of her dreams too. sucks manxszx. try,
Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, in one night, you changed lei. lmaozszx. life's gettin so bored.
Waaaaaaalaooooo eh, i feel like going overseas and relax myself manszx. How i wish i could go overseas and get myself out from this busybusy country.

Anyway, i dont feel any excitement though my birthday's coming soon.
It'll just be another plain, boring, simple day.
If i still lived with my cousins, i think it'll be more fun. haiyaaaa who cares manzxs. I noticed tht the older i am, the lousiest, suckiest celebration i have.
How great if time could rewind.

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