Heh heh heh. God of study! The next korean drama i've been watching lately. hahah thanks to Evy. 8D
Yeah I'm so in love with this drama.
WHERE HAS MY TAIWANESE DRAMA GONE TO? :( Like no nice nice one leyyyy. Tsk. ):
Ha ha ha. This is also another one I like to watch! Possessed! Lols. Nice hur. a Korean horror DRAMA. not a movie eh, coolios. he he he.
Went out with Siew. on a very sian saturday. hahahah! just last min cause we've got nothing to do. we roamed everywhere in amk hub. Sadly, I didnt bumped into any of my dear friends there. I miss them like hell orrrkay! :( Went miss Oswald after tht;)
& my dearest sis! She's so sad nowadays! cause of something happened. I dont know how she's really doing now. But I hope you're doing well in school though I'm not there! Don't because of this small things affect your studies. This year's the crucial year, study hard for your O's orhkay! hahaha miss you :( I MISS CAMWHORE WITH YOU DURING CHINESE LESSON!! No more bao pi's lesson is bored. No more chinese lesson for me is so weird and I dont really like it. LOL.
And this! hais. I still cannot find :( left me so many years already lo! *cries. 2008, 2009, 2010. still not back. Me is uber sad. Anybody found this, please tell me aights 8D
I'm still finding some more shows to kill time @ home! Y'know y'know lah, at home nothing to do. HAHA. Other than facing comp what can i do? lol.
Time really flies eh. One more week and school's starting. Can i just stop here? Lol. Nevermind, i'll just post the things that i've done this week of holidays. haha! Tues went oswald's bros' chalet. Had fun indeed. 8D first day did nothing much. Hm i cant really remember leeeeeey. ah! went play pool and sat there as usual lol. I slept till the next day 5 pm plus wth lols. It's raining cats and dogs, and oswald's slipper is spoilt, hahaha so funny! :p went out. ahh i cant really rmb also tsk! ahhh i know, bbq. LOLS. people playing tennis, but u got heard people hit ka zhua instead of tennis. Cool or what! Ha ha ha. Damn tired so went sleeeep lo. Woke up at 5am plus went walk around and went red house. but didnt went in. LOLS. okayyyy. err went back kun after that. next morning went homeeeeeeeee. HAHA. LOLOLOLOLOLOLS. I went home and I miss you. :(
Flu is still living with me, sucky hor? LOL. & my laopa doesnt care at all!
I wanna go taiwan againnnnnn! I wanna shop shop shop pleaseeeeeee!
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