Tuesday, April 21, 2009

you dont knw what it's like to be like me,


All of a sudden, a thought came to my mind. I wanted to knw who am i in the past life lol. Yeaaaa, i'm getting more and more absurd. lol. But really ar, i wanted to knw ei. How how how?! Lols. I hope i was in those opera times. heh. The weather in sgp is really getting from bad to worse manszxs! gooooshy. So stuffy and thr's napfa test, O.O will suffocate until die wor . lmaoszx, whtever he he.
School's bored. ha ha ha. I am going crazy. ha ha ha. I feel happy today although school sucks. ha ha ha. I dont like tomorrow's and friday's lesson because they sucks. ha ha ha. BUA HUA MUA LUA! You can ignore me anyway : D

Oh yea! Had lunch at ph with gwenn, eilen, sofea. but sof went home aft tht.. aft lunch, sis came to find us as she wanna get something to fill her stomach. So we met at Sw and had lunch thr. Went to walk around at hub, and gwenn left. We decided to go Bugis and walk walk lol. Although i felt super tired but i find it quite fun. at least talkings can keep me awake. will try to talk more in future. and walk here and thr, wanna buy few things but lack of keching, ha! then around 6plus, we bussed back tomato! O.O
Home sweet home aft tht. he he he.

Rmb i said bout the tsunami thingy? Idk lei, but it seems so true like tht. ooooooooo. I hope i won't die in a terrible way.. hmph. I wanna change blogskin again, maybe this time will change back to the whole white one lol. lame mah. If i really can get into nusring course, i'll be super duper happy. Hope i can. please please.. :/ maths sucks. 8) My dreams of enerting Lasalle also shattered alr, sigh! x(

안녕히 계세요~

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