Thursday, April 16, 2009



Seems like today everyday teacher was having pms man lmaozsxzs.
Soooooo, i hate sitting at the parade square in the morning, and i hate the talkings! full of craps!
somehow, I like physics, because i can we suo yu wei : D
somehow, I like art. because i still like miss ng despite she scolded me :P i dont care.. hehe.
I super hate english. because lai siew chin sucks a big time. she will ruined my mood manszx. I'll cont to curse her until she can't be able to reincarnate the next life. even she will, she will become a rat, those very dirty lil things. you can see tht how much i hate her. she sucks!
I dont really like chem, because mdm aw quite weird.. (?) lmaoszx.
I like chinese, but i hate the teacher she dont knw how to teach at all-,-
I dont like SS/hist, but i like anantha.
I dont like V.E because lai wee chong will asked me to carry those damn newspapers down! Urgh, super dirty and smelly.
I dont like maths, because i dont like the subject and mrs ang tooo!

School Days With A Pig!

It a hilarious.cute.touching movie ! Lol. hehehehe. so damn cute! hahaa.
We spotted some Small lil yan daos and chiobus , heh heh heh. they all so cuuuute.
me and sof watched till tears rolling down our cheeeks lmaoszx. but its really quite touching when its coming to the end. How i wish i can watch another round lolszxsxzs.

Ok, so went off aft tht as it was getting late.
Reached home, looked into the mirror, my eyes are bit swollen, very funny lol.
And i will take good care of my hamsters aft i watched tht movie, hahaha. I adore my hamsters! ^^

Fyi, I'd deleted the rantings, i dont feel like runing my blog with her stupid things.
Did anyone of you seen the ad in teeve tht concerns bout family? omg. it's really sad.

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