Monday, June 9, 2008

Hellooooooo :D
these few days have been watching my operas MUAHAHAHA ! xD
so niceeee la. :P
so don't feel like blogging(;

last night, was so busy helping my meimei's class blog.
we do until 4am plus thn go sleeeep . lols. crazyy! :D

Tdy tdy tdy tdy is 端午节 (:
thn we've to go baibai my ahgong, ahma & mama.

actually arh, supposed to wake up at 8 am plus.
stupid norh, we go continue sleeeep until 9am .________.
thn we rush here & thr, 10am then took bus to my cousins's hse.
thn we took all th things down and uncle drove us to tpy(;
lololols on th way we chat quite alot. hahaa
maybe we didn't meet fer quite a long time bahs? hahahha !
reached thr,
did usual stuffs and all.

aft tht we went aroind and play! :D :D hehehe
lolols. stupid! thr so many peepos :/ nvmmm laaaaa.
till12plus went back to my cousins' hse :D
ltr going to chinatown to buy things .
they actually can go buy things with us, butbut they all having tuition tgt. lol!
so no time lerr :{ nvm. hehhhs.
before going, watched teeve thn took a nap.
and I seems like alot of time didn't hear my phone ringing like tht D:
thn always didn't answer th call! wth la!
hope your don't mind. sorrryyyy......

ltr going their house stayover .
thn tml afternoon went to meet tianxin :D
okayy thts all. hehhehehe
ok byebye lerr i need to go watch my 聊斋 alr. takecareee^^

here are some stupid peekchas also. lols!~ :D

ytd peekchas(;

I love them so :D :D

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