tdy...... michelle & ting is flying! means going shanghai lerr :{{{{{{{{
so went to changi airport and see them off.
lols. I thought only me & yihong like tht only, aahha!
yuan lai Jiaqi & her friend also worr ! lol.
I supposed to wake up at 4.45am in th morning.
but overslept. lolol thn 5.45 thn wake up . HAHHA
because because , last night I only slept 2hrs only ! th 2nd time alrr. O.O"
I almost never sleep till sial. .__________.
but can wake up alr veh good alr. HEHE .
but in th end also never late leaaa :D
tom ba lek, I wait fer yihong! muahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ! :p
seeeee. I like waiting fer peepos derr. :/ stupid right .
but really laaaa, I don't like peepos waiting fer me. veh 不好意思~ LOLS.
waited at mrt station, aft tht we took taxi thr.
LOL. th journey to thr so funny. first time I am NOT sleepy! yeahh!!!!
cos usually I'll fall asleep. lols!
I kept seeing th sky so nice so nice so nice sooooo super super super niceeee! :D
yihong helped me took one ! hahha
cos my hand kept trembling lols ~
on th taxi, yihong told me thr's a veh big big aeroplane flew past! :D :D
thn I like veh sua gu kept on saying 'where where where, i want seeee'
and yihong keep saying 'got got got thr thr thr' lols.
because of those big green greeeen stupid trees blocked our view, thn we can't seee.
we like mad, thn aft tht no more lerr. thn veh sad.
know why? LOL... cos th aeroplane veh huge._______. thn we can't see.
we looked at each other , thn say we like sua gu like tht just now. lols !
I think tht driver also laughing laaaaaa :x cos its really veh funny.! hehe
reached thr, th taxi fare was $17.80.
so expensive norh! sot ! but its was worth(;
thn we alight at Terminal 3.
first step into th entrance. all I know was VERY COLD. wth my jacket so small.
& yihong all wear black! xD so BLACK ! hahahhaha .
thn bear with it first lor.
waited fer michelle and all to come.
saw some amksians. and mr chio , lolz aft tht not long michelle and her family arrive.
thn we all went to had breakfast at food court(;
actually not hungry. we only want drinks thn her daddy just helped us order th drinks.
but aft tht uncle gave each of us half-boiled de eggs and two breads. lol
so gooood. hahaha actually dun want but if reject thn like veh what lorr. thn nvm bahs(;
not cold anymore! weeeeheX :p
thn we saw Yiling & Juliana :D
went over and chat awhileeeeee. aft tht saw xuanting, her mum and her cousin came alr.
hahs thn its time fer them to check in.
all went up agn norh. lolsssssssh
thought aft check in we still have some time leaaa.
who knows tht bhattarai laaaa ! what gathering. thn they need go in.
thnme & yihong went to th viewing mall thr walk walkkk.
hahhahaa ! Its different...
Veh boring walk here and thr.. HAHA ! took a peekcha of yiling! :P hhehe.
thn we went over thr sit sit alr.
walk here and thr agn.
and blahblahblahhhhh . 10.10 they boarded alr i think so.
thn saw one aeroplane flew past. Jiaqi and us thought tht got 3 flights .
but thn we saw one. waited fer quite long still got nothing.
thn maybe only one flight bahs. LOL ~
thn sit sit awhile. eeeeyer we started to miss them once they go overseas.
yihong like sad sad alr.
hope they faster come back :D
say byebye to jiaqi and her friend. thn we strolled to mrt station and go back amk meet bell. haha
aft tht we took th train, didn't alright at Tanah merah, th train go U-turn back to airport! :X
thn we have to sit back agn.
a waste of time. LOls but this was an experience, so nvm(; muehehehehe!
thn we take till city hall and back to amk.
lolsxz reached amk at 12plus & waited fer bell to comeee.
she reached, we took bus to compass point cos she wna returned th bks lols.
aft tht went to KFC and makan hahahaa.
I didnt eat cos I m quite full ~
aft tht went to buy macflurry! HOHOHO !
thn took bus back to amk.. went hub to collect kailing's baggy. HEHE ^-^
finally stock came(;
thn walk walk walkkk . haiz! hub walk till veh sian alr.
went central and walk norh.
thn went back to hub agn.__.
'my legs step onto lemon'. :/
and im feeling sleeepy alrr. lolol ~!
4plus bell meeting her friend at hub. instead of sitting thr & wait, we went to walk agn.
her friend came, thn me & yihong toook bus home(;
i feel like sleeping :D
but now not sleepy so idiot laaaa! D:
chatted with yihong lian hong hong on th phone ! xD
we missing them like mad.
hope they can faster return. thn can go zoooo! muahahahhaehehehhehhohohoho!
so boring lah.
seems like everyone's gna go overseas during hold.
only me. only ME didn't get to board on plane before. :{
heehehe & I also wna go out of singaporeeee lah. pls pls pls.......
miracle miracle miracle ! :D :D :D
I don't care uh!
before I die I die die also must get out of singapore & view other countries norh.
If not I'll kill everyone of you. lol so lame. but really lahhh~
LOL stuupidddddddd :X idiot.
lobster plus crabs agn.
I DON'T WNA GO SCHOOL ! i hate studying ok!
thts th end of my half day(;
& I seriously lacked of sleep nowadays.
because I got problem sleeping. lolzsx so scary! :X yyucks.!
I love th sky! :D
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