Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Studied maths and flip eng. LOLs :D
I know that I won't pass maths(; who caresss! ;p
hist was quite diff. compos were suck D:
anyways, I was like a sudden lost of words at everywhere,
& in any point of time.
Im mute (; pls dun talk to me often yah.
Cos im confused and thinking alot of things right now and even, everyday~
tyty alot..... & im veh bor liao onee, thats all........

Ohwellwelll, recently not in a mood to study.
& not even all prepared for exams ;X
but im trying my veh best to do lor...
butbut, afterall results can gimme a great shock.
let's not talk boutt that anymoreee.
moodless to do anything nowadays & even everydays.
started to hate school. wanna transfer schooool ^^
see him = sad :[
when can i stop th sadness, it was like a never ending sadness.. to me.
But i really love you tons.
will you be back here? with me?
I guess not, cos you said its impossible. well, nothing i could do...
No matter what you said, i wouldn't care much.
Im willing to spend my lifetime waiting for you,

th only YOU. just you...

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