Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Woke up in th early morning 5am, hahha.
supposed to meet yihong 7am at mac. but i continue to sleep till 7.20...
quickly got everything changed and wash up. lolz
thn cabbed to angmokio.
uhhh sorry i was late! D: aft tht having brkfast at mac.
lololz. saw jasmine ^^ she was working at tht time.. hahhaha
thn stay awhile more at mac.
still suoper early! wanna ask peepos come out, but thn all sleeping.
aft tht we got nothing to do, went to hub saw those shops not opened yet.
thn went to take 88 to pasir ris interchange.
I was sleeping. LOL! yihong never leaaaaa ~ O.O
Thn took 88 back to toa payoh interchange.
But we alighted at bishan st 22 there, near my last time de house. HHEES
went to find something to eat & drink.
took 88 back to tpy, HAHA
walk one small round and took 88 back to angmokio.. AHHAHA!
th time was 11plus going 12 whn it's time to reach angmokio.
lolols. bell got to help her parents work so she can't go out.
michelle actually said tdy coming out, but she & xuanting veh tired so not going anymore.
hmmmm left me & laodou so lonely~ LOLZ !
Took th bus here and there de feel like vomiting, & laodou is feeling giddy._______.
aft tht we're back to normal ! :D walk arnd at hub. nthg better to do, thats why.....
christine suddenly rang us & asked us to go bugis to shop fer her friend's present.
thn she said she will reach hub in 1 and th half hr like tht....?
lols. thats what laodou told me.
walk walk walkk arnd, went mintoon, saw th tweety bird agn!!! :DDD
I thought no mroe alr! finally it was back (8
aft tht christine reach, all dunno take which bus go bugis. ask ml .
know alr, she said go nearer one better . cos bus ride quite long... plus I no more money left.
what the... this was th first/second time went out with no money! :{
Thn aft tht we took 88 to tpy agn, cos christine was searching fer ELMO. LOLS!
took 88 agn to tpy... on th way, Jelene said she joining us too (:
thn waited fer her at KFC aft christine had chosen th present fer her friend. HAHAH!
hmmm. actually before before that uh, go out with tianxin.
but thn she said she can't find her key so can't le.. HAHA. nvm nvmm :D
hols coming! shall real meet up soooon! HURRAYYYS!! so excited!
LOL like tht also excited .___________.
went to play with quite alot of toys at kiddy palaceee:D veh funn!!!
thn went to KFC, cannot eat. cos no money.
I dun wanna lend frm any others (: see i so good.
so ate pokey :P hahhaa. im still not full :{
walk walk walk walkkk ~~~~~~
so long never come tpy alr. really miss those days with my family siah. hahhas!
thn saw some shirts veh nice in more than words ><
wanna buy, no money.... what the... nvm lor ~
christine bought one. lols
went to walk walk walkkk. AH NIOOO!!! XDDDDD i laighed till I got stomache lah! ;D
keep ahnio here and there onee! lololz.
but tht was fun afterall ! :} I love tht feeling so.
thanks jelene and all! :p lolz.
went back to angmokio arnd 5plus? think its going six.
saw my classmates. aft tht jiu went buy drinks...
home sweet home :}
went out 7.30am in th morning, went home at 7pm.
what a long day uhh! ><" stupid. surely got scolding!
BYEBYE laaaa peepos (;
I know it's impossible .
but you need not have to say much.
You should know tht I like you since sec 1.
I didn't say anything.
Im just saying I will continue to love you till th day I dies.
I said I love you,
You no have to love me back.
Just comcentrate on what your interested in.
& I didn't stop you from doing anything.
Whatever it is,
I'll still love you. BUT you NO HAVE to love me back.
because it's alright,
I'm used to it all these 2 yrs alr.....
anyways, you think I still wanna hang on?
no, is because I couldn't be able to forget you.
It's really difficult!
If I can forgets you, tht will be better.
But th problem is I can't!
Maybe these kind of feelings you won't understand at all.
I'd tried alot of ways to give up.
But in th end, failed.
cry, hurt, vinegar hatred and etc..
everything also used.
all these doesn't seems to be working.
no used, no effects shown.
thts all. Im miserable fer th rest of my lifetime.

yihong edited this! ^______^

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