nah, today at least not staying at home and rot alrd=) hehe....
woke up at 6, got everything prepared
and rush to the bus stop and tok bus,
cause meeting mich, shir and cass at 7.30, so need rush,
otherwise i'll be late XD haha...
thn reach there just nice,
went to boarded the mrt to woodlands.
They having contest, I dunno what contest was that actually,LOL!;D
Thn while they went into the library fer the contest,
Me and Shir walked around the "shopping".HAHA XD
we went to mac and eat breakfast..LOL,
just a simple breakfast will do=) haha!
me and shir ate harshbrown and we shared coke...hehe!=)
thn we can sit at the mac and chat fer bout 1 hour plus siahs!
hahaa XD having so much fun! YEAHHHXD and aft tt,
walking here and there aimlessly..
& took photos tgt=) took here and there~!
HAHA... thn we went to the lift,
taking photos too! and went up and dwn ,
shir press wrongly , i think. LOL... XD dun care!
hehehhe XD thn went to checked
if the library has opened or nt.HOHO! OPENED! XD
saw mich, huilin and cass they all having the contest...
so were jiaqi, shuying & alexis too! =)
they seemes sooooo busy. :x LOL...
while me and shir, went to the corner and sat dwn there...
haha!!! wow, there got a 'sofa-like' chair,
and each got a earphone seh~~LOL!!!
damn nice luhs;D relaxing & enjoying there...LOL!!!
and i was bout to doze off, shir wanna walk away,
luckily i saw her, if nt i kill her! =x HAHA blehhhhs =P
thn mich was done.
we three went out of the lib,
mich complained that she was hungry...
so she bought a harshbrown too!=)
aft that, went to toilet and took photos of the reflections.
HAHA ;D mich said that 11am need went back to the lib
fer the what certificate thingy..guess so..=)
thn we ate here and there till 11 she went back.
left shir and me agn. LOL,
i was eating quite alots siahs,
i asked shir if im really very thin?
she answered "yes"! omg! am i that thin?
haiz, dun care lahs..... so many ppl say me thin,
sekali the next person said i look somehow like skeleton arh!!!
lOLXD dun care....=)
thn i bought stuffs, wanna went into the lib and wait fer them.
who knows? a stupid security guard! said
what i cant brought stuffs into the lib!!! =x
thn he stopped me from entering.
yahyah!! at this time, i saw a girl, taking drinks too!
& that stupid orh lang guard never go stop her siahs!
very unfair norhs!!!
I asked the him why she can brought drinks in?
and he was like nothing to say! HAHA =P
so, he asked me going in ? which part of the lib?
makes sure that i dun drink or eat in the lib ~
i was soooo happy! hoho.. finally can went in!
hehe.. me and shir went to the lift,
dun wanna see that stupid orh lang's face lor!
so er xin also! YUKKS!
thn took the lift and went up to the floorth floor,
nvms, thats what me and shir often go lib de reason,
cause we can sit there and chat, but today we didn't,
we just walk walk and see see...
aft that went to take escalator and went dwn floor by floor~~
LOL... and going to the 1st floor,
i was very scared of the orh lang!! :x
shir said she went dwn first and helped me check,
i was on the way dwn alrd...
suddenly she said "STILL HAVE!"
&& , im going crazy!!!
lols, i kept running upwards while the escalator was going dwn wards!!!
GRR =x GIVE UP! )x PHEW~~!
i thought i would see that orh lang there..
heng arh, never see! LOL... i was watching tv!
haha, thn walk here and there aft that just to
wait fer them to dismiss.
sian... why so long huh? haiz nvms .
waiting in progress~
finally they were dismissed, mich took out a bag of biscuits!
LOL XD jiaqi they all also have too!
hehe XD thn we went to take mrt back to amk,
cause shir need go back to sch and
signed the O level maths thingy ~ hahas=)
once again, congrats to mich , shir and jas=)
they finally can take! hahas=)
thn i act that my leg was injured,
first round, CLEARED! cause the security guard never
see me wore slipper as he was just
busying quarrelling with the cleaner! ;D YEAH XD ,
second round cleared too! cause no one saw it! HOHO...
third round cleared too! as mdm teng never saw! XD hehehe ....
wth~ tan sh saw ! GRR =x
he asked me why m i wearing slippers?
i bluffed him that my leg was injured, and he believed!
LOl.. bt he kept talking nonsense and craps lor!
sooo noisy! :x
but counted as clear! HAHAHA ;DD
thn happily went out frm sch=) hohoho!!!
saw the security guard still quarrelling with
that cleaner! LOL XD
i was laughing an the way! hheheeh=)
thn went to playgrnd, talk and play awhile,
i was sooooooooo terrified and i shouted!
shir ran away! LOL ;D sorry,
i didn't shouted clearly, its not above ur head,
it was just a distance away but that time was
quite near you! haha XD
thn talk bit thn need go find jason ,
jason's brudder, hanpork & jq alrd.
so we bid goodbye and went off)= haiz....
nvms next time go out tgt agn!! HOHO~ took 74 with cass.
thn she went home, i reached hougang liao thn
went to punggol cc and find they all,
that time was drizzling and i hate the
water to drop on my head, so er xin lor...
thn i waited fer them at the void deck there..
jason de eyes so sharp siahs, so far also can see me!=)
such a gd eyesight! nt bad wor=) haha...
thn watched them playing.
aft that went to hougang mall and makan,
i was sooooo full tt i dun feel like eating.=x
thn aft that took 161 and go sengkang cc play basketball.
lol, i dun understand, is basketball really
very very very fun to play meh???LOL!!!
ok, whatever. sat there and watch them play again. s
o many ppl there playing. and went to the toilet,
the toilet sooooo eerie siahs, 2 doors were locked,
and i never see any legs lor!! wth ~
i was sooo scared that i quickly ran out.
and walked to the other toilet...
i also bit scared although there were no locked doors.
cause no ppl de...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
dun wan go there de toilet anymore alrd!
went back & waited fer them.
YEAH!!! my dad cancelled the appt=)
postpone to next tues !=0 hehe cause
daddy cannot make it today.=) hoho..
the appt from last monday, postpone to today,
and today can postpone to next tuesday! HAHA..
next tuesday will postpone to when again???hahaXD
thn can stay up lil bit more. no need so rush le=)
hehe... and my stupid sis still called me up
and kept asking me where m i siahs!!! GRR =x
so annoying norhs)x anws, sit there and watch......
felt bit unwell. feel like going home and rest.
&& nvms, waited till 6.30 thn went home.
cause otherwise too late went home,
my aunt's gonna kill me! :x she so what de norhs~)=
forcing what i always dun like to do! )=
i dun like her!!! )=
bt sometimes she very good, thn i like her=) hehe...
okok, lol. thn he accompany me walked hme.=)
reached my hse le thn byebye to him=)
went home to take a very quick rest...
hahas=)thn went to eat. YEAHHH=) i ate
lots of fried prawns just now! i almost ate the
whole plate of it mans! =) it was sooooooo yummy !
HEHE XD eat till do full. continue eating pears.
it was healthy!=) so no harm...HAHAXD
err, i think thats it.=)
HOHOHO~~~ takecares! hahaha XD
i was having sooooo much fun today!=)
frm morning till evening! HAHA XD
sigh*, tmr's gonna rot at home again le...)= HAIZ!!!
wanna die liao lahs if my life carries on like that!
GRRRR =x HAIZ, actually tmr chris
going ice skating. but my dad dun allows!)=
so cnt go.... i think tmr i will be
sleeping fer a long time as i dunno what m i
gonna do :x
no one to chat and no one to laugh...
my sis not good to laugh at... haiz)=
nvms. dun care lor... haiz
let nature take its course~ bye fer now peepos!
&& Here are some pics we took=)

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