中元節 coming le! :O I want faster go home everyday aft sch alr,
cannot stay too late ! Veh scary siol.
& I love hamsters :D They're effing cute ! ^^lol, I love today's weather. Ha! I hope every morning also rain thn no have to go parade square alr(;
So can save my energy climbing up & down th stairs, it was soooooooo tiring you know! :x
Oh, mrs lai didn't cam tdy :DDDDDDD (happaye happaaaaaye)!
first lesson chem, so boring doing what station games or whatever shiat de.
Aft tht went to class, thn blahblahblahhhh .
Physics, SUCKS :]
A weird teacher anyhow teach, I HATE HIS WAYS OF TEACHING OKAY. liek wtheaven!
Heard that he's demoted or what from another school, nvss ? alot peepos saying~
Since it was rainy day and weather super cooling, so went to sleeep. Ha!
In th end, didn't do his work eh. Thn asked him I wna go toilet, he didn't say anything thn he turned to talk to other peepos alr, thn I thought he allowed me, so I went out.
I came back, friends told me he giving me 2 demerits! D:
I really wna kill him lah! ;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx stupid si shen!!!!!!!!
thn he said unless I do my work thn he cancelled my name away, wth la, alot peepos also never do, why must I do just fer cancelling my name away? Idiot.
So I went to recess lor, wna give demerit jiu give la, so?
Alot teachers always threaten us using demerits. .______________________.
Thn act infront of parents only, & showing them how GOOD our school is. HHAHHAHAH! piece of shiatz.
Same, didn't eat anything fer recess. Don't feel like eating, don't know why O.O"
& had chinese, reading those what papers. Ohmy~~~
I really dislike tht chinese teacher, always give us alot papers thn read to us th passage.
thn 不知不覺 , one or two period over. fck another don't know how to teach one.
That idiotic arse TONG WH said that what we always drive away good teachers or what, 放屁啦 !
that chinese teacher can't control her angeer, will started scolding us
DOGS, SHIATZ and alot unpleasant words. as a teacher... Sigh* feel pity fer those teachers who like that scolded students, so lousy one. scold lor, see if you die will end up in 十八層地獄 mah lor, let's wait & seee bahs.
Don't blame me fer saying all those, I alr tolerate veh long alr ok.
人的忍耐是有限度的 , 一旦超過極限 , 那可別怪我無情無意.
we can;t kill teachers, but will curse them till they dies. thn no exams, no school, no studies, Oh-so wonderful ^^ hehhehehhee!
okok, stop complaining, and so sorry fer that :]
english, SSRP.
went to toilet & slacked. Ha! th fan kept on blowing and so cooling :D
camwhored, and emily took videos. lol most is my stupid retarded one. :c
Hahahhahhh! But nevermind narh, :P
went back to class, yuzran and chenren fighting and beating each other makes me laugh like mad! :O
super funny sial!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! cos chenren's face looks funny. hahahhahahaa!
I sho bad :/
thn VE, mr lai always never come in one. Don't know where he go.
thn throwing papers around ._______.
thn aft school, went to hub and buy things. aft that headed to emily's house with xinling (;
thn went to clementi and meet peepos and give things.
Had a long journey, on train keep on chatting alot alot. lolol esp emily & xinling. LOL
thn on th way back also keepe chatting, Ha! so funny and fun.
6plus, going 7 went back emily's hse & took my bag.
thn off with xinling.
thn I went home aft that :D
Lol, I veh urgent on th bus ://////
ok, byeebyeeeeeeeeeee heh heh. WATCH MY SHOWS NOW! :D
hey and I changed my blogsong again, lol.
emily told me bout this song, hm it's nice, thanks sister! ♥